This week you have the pleasure of meeting Robert Rose, our Telemarketing Manager, who has an affinity for thinking, local theatre designer Pam Johnson, and passwords.
How long have you worked at the Playhouse?
I remember they invented bread just after I started…it was a big deal.
Your job at the Playhouse in five words or less?
Telemarketing [...]
Say hello to Katie Nichols. From volunteer to everything-gal, she’s it and she’s ours.
How long have you worked at the Playhouse?
This is my fourth season in administration and I volunteered at the Playhouse for a season when I was 15.
Your job at the Playhouse in five words or less?
Patron Services, I help everyone.
What did you [...]
This week’s edition of Playhouse Peeps features the Festival Administrator of the Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Festival, Visnja Vukelich! Not only does she help the Wine Fest raise money for our theatre company, she makes all of our lives at the Playhouse “a little less miserable”.
How long have you worked at the Playhouse?
Since 2001? It’s [...]
This week’s edition of Playhouse Peeps features our Marketing & Communications Manager, John McHenry. Can you guess the theme here? Clever chap.
How long have you worked at the Playhouse?
(within) The Last Five Years
What did you do at work yesterday?
(I worked) 9 to 5
What did you think you would be when you grew up?
(a) Fiddler [...]
Welcome to the first edition of Playhouse Peeps, a series of blog posts in which we profile the people of the Vancouver Playhouse Theatre Company. First up is our new Director of Development, Jodi Norrison. Thank you for playing with us, Jodi!
How long have you worked at the Playhouse?
Since November 2011.
Your job at the Playhouse [...]